Saturday, July 30, 2011

An epistle to the unkown: few words of graditude.

Have written a little in the past few days.. but due to the unavailablity of my computer ( which got hanged :(  ) could not post any of it.. will do soon... however this one is impulsive. :P

Its weird,  I like to write but I hardly read... yet, from the very little amateur reading I do I learn...

It’s amazing... some perceptions, there are some people who in a simple paragraph noting down general observations speak of some life lessons even the gurus can’t give, I don’t know if they themselves know it, that their common observations of an airport, some day to day event or even a beautiful explanation of their day about playing a sport and many such tiny write ups, not only inspires others but also gives away some tremendous life lessons which most philosophical journals strive to give, which often makes me think what are these people doing trying to make careers in different fields, neglecting their gift.. But then again whatever it is that they’re doing is only what makes them conceive these masterpieces. They may not be literary masterpieces, or world renowned... but somewhere deep down they click for me... they inspire me... it may be because I know about these people or simply because of their writtings... that i dont know but this post I dedicate those few known and not known people bestowed with the gift of words.. Who have unknowingly made me smile, inspired me, motivated me, helped me, and somewhere maybe to a very little yet significant extent made me who I am. So Thank you... I know you may never read this... or never know how you have helped me... but still i Thank you for your gift and for sharing it with the world.

You teach me that by this little writing that I do... if I can in someway bring that smile or that little change you got to my life.. in somebody else's world, if I too can in someway contribute... I should not stop, I should also continue to share, so Thank you to making me continue writing... Thank you for everything. :)

Buhbye.. will write soon...
Till then as I normally say.. love, laugh, cry, be happy, sad or whatever u feel like... just dnt forget to live !!
Gracious eh?
well thats just me! :P :P

Love Always
Signing off
just me

Saturday, July 9, 2011

the past month..

Havent written for long, I knw..
have been travellin.. nd the laptop is hanged so basicaly no connection...
At present, have hardly slept in the past around 30 hours...
amazing 30 hours if i forgot to mention.. :P

theres one part of me sayin go to sleep u fool ur eyes are closing.. where as the other.. is just plainly typing this without thinking much.. :P

had the most beautiful day.. the amazing feeling of welcoming the monsoon.. by the midnight bike ride in the drizzling chilly times and the hot maggie at 4am, cant get better than this!
admist all of this, some heavy realizations and and a different experience...

well, awl this was just about these no-break-past-30 hrs.. bt looking back at the long traveling month would have a synopsis like.. the inspiration, the focus, the dissapointment, the no revelations, the uhmazing place, the stupid ppl , the same old stories, the loss of contact, the new ppl, the new prespectivees, the different lives and lifestyles, the extremes, and much more which ended with being the seniors. :)

owk i hv written all this, in half sleep i guess.. will cum bck nd read nd edit till then good nite. :P

mad eh?
well thats just me! :P :P

Love Always
Signing off
just me