Monday, February 6, 2012

Expressions Captured

It may be the twitch of your eye,
 Or the eyebrow you just raised high.
 The touching your ear and the cry,
 Or the fidgeting while you lie.

Your pupils widened in surprise for a while,
Or the flex in muscles while in rage.
The sparkled eyes in your genuine smile,
Or the grin you try to carefully wage.

It may be the roll of your eyes
Or the jaw-drop when you are tense.
It is what leaks all your lies,
Or what proves your innocence

It is what defines you
It is what sets you apart
It is your story told, without words, sentences or phrase
It is your every look, move or that gaze.

It’s not a mystery or some hidden quest,
It’s just how you express yourself.

mixed expressions eh?
what can I say, it's just me. :P

Love Always
Signing off
just me
P.s If any person in the photograph has a problem with my posting it plz let me knw. I do not intend to offend any friend.


  1. Got no words! :) .. The collage, the writing , everything, JUST SAKHAT! :)

    Simple yet so deep, light yet so heavy, seems easy-to-understand yet so introspective!

    Way to go girl! <3 <3

  2. Nice Yesha..long time since d last..Loved it..Love dat beautiful mind f yours..!
