Sunday, April 7, 2013

Pages of my notes: A glance at the past month!

Haven't written for a while.. Its not that I have not been writing,  its just that  I haven't had the time to switch on the laptop and type it all down here. So here is a part of the mixture of  the past month-the laughs and cries, the journey and the after effects, as jotted down on my cellphone notes:

The journey and the learning's...

When you do something just for the joy of doing it, you receive more than you can ever expect. you learn that there is always a beautiful person beneath, that judging by the external feedback gets you no where.

You started with a blank slate. You went in with the soul intention to give, and what you got back was immense. A two week journey, a lifetime experience, an unbelievable learning, surprising discoveries & the feeling of inner satisfaction. So much,  that external denial or appreciation couldn't deter it much.

Gratitude is all you have left to give. 
A sense of security when people believe in you. A sense of pride when people respect you. A sense of satisfaction when you achieve your set goal. Feelings felt in this short time period created happiness and memories to remember.

But I still remember how I got in here. How I dreamed of being here. How I knew I belong here. And all those stories Have you in it. You who no longer exists. You who scare me with the change. You who I regret loosing track of.

Regrets of the words unspoken...

I am a writer, I write. I think its maybe because I am a li'l slow, slow at reacting. I don't say what I should, when I should say it and then I think about it too much and regret not saying it. But then again most of the time I am afraid of saying it, Letting it out. Because by letting it out you actually let someone in, and that is scary.

So I was talking about how I don't say it when I have the time and opportunity to do it, I did that recently and its bothering me. Because this time I dint thank people. Thank them for believing in me, for letting me do what I wanted without any questions, for not restricting me and in the end for giving me all the credit and appreciation.

It would have not been possible without their continues support, his vision, ideas and help. I feel guilty that he's not appreciated enough cos it was not just me, it was all of us. 
So I just want to thank everyone for everything and importantly for the beautiful people that they are. Thank you.

The Aftermath: Forgotten...

How would you feel if you are forgotten?
Your family does not remember you,
Your friends forget you exist,
your colleagues don't know you,
and the world just seems to move on without you.

No one wishes you a good day,
No one asks how your doing,
No one to care for you,
No one to look up to,
Your existence seems to matter none,
Your absence seems to bother none.

No one to wake you from your sleep,
No one to put you to bed,
No one to call during crisis,
No one to share a laugh,
No on to care if your alive,
No one to see if your dead.

How would you feel if you are forgotten?
Your family does not remember you,
Your friends forget you exist,
your colleagues don't know you,
and the world just seems to move on without you.


Fear arises from the unknown
Tears arise from the known.
Change is a natural process of life.
Yet every time we see it, We are taken aback,
We refuse to accept it,
We don't want to move on.
But, when Everything ends.
This Life still goes on.

Hope all this wasn't Confusing overdose of crap! :P
Lot more pending notes,
But this is it for a day I guess!

Love Always
Signing off
just me

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