Tuesday, May 21, 2013

words. thoughts. life.

Fragments of the wired electric signals in the head which we commonly know as thoughts:

I don't know how to deal with it, I don't know what to say to it. No human understands it. No words explain it. No religion gives a reason for it. Nothing can stop it. Its a surprise end to the mystery called life, and this mystery itself engulfs the human so much that the deeper mystery of death remains and maybe shall forever remain untouched.

Its a lot of questions, guilt and confusion. Its a never dying anger. Its an unacceptable truth.You move on. You be the better person. You avoid it. You forget it and You say you forgive it. But then again in those lows you are reminded, of an undying flame within, the memories of betrayal.

I believe everyone is made for something. something that you do best. something that gives you happiness. something that gives a sense of satisfaction, a fulfillment, that gives meaning to your survival. I believe everyone is exceptional at that something and when you find it, all is fine and you will love your life and until then, you still have to learn to love your life and believe that the search for that something is worth finding it.

What crap? I also don't know :P
So until next time...

Love Always
Signing off
just me

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